Campu2 2

The Fellowship Campus of the Port Antonio High School was opened September, 2019, with the aim of housing the lower school cohort, Grades 7 -9, in an attempt to eradicate the shift system. The campus currently holds the Grade 7 cohort for the academic year 2020 – 2021 with the intention of expanding to accommodate Grades 8 and 9.

The school is operated on a full day school system and undertakes up to 13 subject areas, including Agricultural Science and Food and Nutrition as skill-based areas. Manned by 14 academic staff members, 10 ancillary staff members and security personnel, the campus caters to students' academic and social development through a myriad of programmes.

Meet the Team

Antonett Harry

Grade Supervisor

Heavon Brown

Vice Principal, Campus 2

Anesia Thomas

Grade Supervisor


JTA Credit Union Better School's Competition

We participated in the JTA Credit Union Better School's Competition and was awarded second place. The prize received was $500,000 which will go towards the development of our computer lab.

The Regional Manager, Joel Scott made the handing over of the cheque on October 14, 2020 to the school.

Cultural and Jamaica Day Activities

Maypole Dancers
Jamaica Day Celebration 2020 Cultural King and Queen – Aleeka Lawful (Queen) and Kyle Roper (King)
Jamaica Day Celebration 2020 with teachersFrom right: Donnae Drysdale, Krista Marsh and Sally Ann Williams

Cultural Performance on Jamaica Day

Agricultural Activities

National Tree Planting Day with Ms McLarty of the Forestry Department, Mr. Watson, Agricultural Science Teacher and students

Students engaged in harvesting on school farm

Students engaged in land preparation and planting

Students engaged in harvesting on school farm

Sporting and Campus Development Activities

Interclass Football Competition…7I first Place

R & T Class Projects

R & T Class- Campus Development Project
Interclass Football Competition…7O Third Place

Staff Social 2019

Ms. Harry with her first catch from the campus’ fish pond on Fund Day 2019

Teachers and students engaged in Jamaica Moves activities

Trip to Hope Zoo 2019