Vice Principals' Message
Denise Logan
Vice Principal, Shift 1
Shernette Henry
Acting Vice Principal, Shift 2
The Port Antonio High School continues to celebrate its years of invaluable service to the community of Port Antonio and its environs. Through our virtual view we hope to keep you informed regarding the varied activities of the school. We look forward to your interaction with this website which we know you will find to be an interesting and rewarding experience.
At the Port Antonio High School students are nurtured into becoming their best in a holistic manner as we are committed to their academic, physical and psychological advancements. Students are encouraged to become engaged in community-based activities via the various school clubs and societies, many of which are associated with offsite larger organizations.
As an educational institution we strongly believe in setting realistic and achievable goals, an activity our students are encouraged to engage in from the onset, an activity which has borne fruit for those serious enough to commit to same.
Additionally, our parents are unequivocally an important part of school life on and off the campus. We endeavour to engage and encourage their unwavering support for their children and by extension the institution, as they are able to come in and engage with members of staff regarding the development of their children on an ongoing basis because we recognize our efforts are inextricably linked to our students’ successes.
We take great pride in welcoming you to this prestigious institution where we foster in our students the desire to be elements of inspiration in our society.